
J.W. van Bremen

Jan-Willem van Bremen

Road.io (Formerly E-Flux)

Road.io (Formerly E-Flux) thumbnail

Road.io (Formerly E-Flux)

My first project via Team Rockstars IT was at Road.io (Formerly E-Flux). My position at Road.io was full-stack web developer within their initially small development team. E-Flux is a company that makes software to support and manage the charging of electric vehicles by facilitating communication between chargers with thousands of customers and various providers who license (whitelabel) our software!

Technologies & Frameworks

  • Node.js icon
  • React.js icon
  • MongoDB icon
  • Mongoose icon
  • Google Cloud Platform icon
  • Semantic UI React icon
  • OCPP icon
  • OCPI icon
  • OpenApi icon
  • GitHub icon



Within my position I work on the various software systems that support the business operations of the company E-Flux. Technologies used are React.js, Node.js, MongoDB, Mongoose, Koa and much more. The system is based on many different components and IOT concepts, so network communication is also highly relevant. I was able to further develop various parts of the software systems, including front-end improvements for users and administrators, new features/screens, new/extended API calls, 3rd party integrations with our system, general maintenance of the entire system and expanding testing coverage by a lot.

For a large part I was active in the Roaming team within the Road.io (Formerly E-Flux) engineering team which was responsible for ensuring the roaming capabilities of the chargers we operate to allow other charging networks' users to utilize them and vice versa.

I started working with Road.io when they were still a start-up with a very small development team (less than 3 full time engineers) and worked with them for about 2 years. Within that time I was able to see the company grow and expand their engineering team and development ambitions.

Code Snippets

The following are some code snippets of components of the software product I've worked on and am proud of. The snippets demonstrate clean, concise and powerful code. (Code has been compacted in some cases).

CDR Service
This piece of code belongs to the CDR service of the back-end system of Road.io. A CDR is a Charge Detail Record and stores the details of a single session on an electric charger. The CDR service is responsible for certain actions involving CDRS such as creating, updating the price, marking as Accepted, Rejected etc. The file is written in typescript and a Event Driven Architecture was used to build this part of the system.

interface CdrCreateArgs {
  cdrId: string;
  externalCdrId: string;
  source: CDRSource;
  contractId: string;
  startTime: Date;
  endTime: Date;
  evseId: string;
  powerType: PowerType;
  connectorId: number;
  cost: {
    currency: string;
    totalCost: string;
    totalEnergyCost?: string;
    totalFixedCost?: string;
    totalParkingCost?: string;
    totalReservationCost?: string;
  chargingPeriods: [{ startTime: Date; dimension: { type: ChargingPeriod_Dimension_DimensionType; value: number } }];
  status?: CdrStatus;

interface CdrSearchArgs {
  cdrId?: string;
  externalCdrId?: string;
  source?: string;
  contractId?: string;
  evseId?: string;
  cost?: object;
  status?: CdrStatus;
  sort: {
    field: string;
    order: 'asc' | 'desc';
  skip: number;
  limit: number;
  ids?: string[];
  id?: string;
  searchPhrase?: string;
  endTime?: object;

export class CdrStatusChangeException extends InputValidationException {
  constructor(statusFrom: CdrStatus, statusTo: CdrStatus) {
      `Cannot update CDR status from ${capitalize(statusFrom)} to ${capitalize(statusTo)}`,

export class CdrPricingEventException extends InputValidationException {
  constructor() {
    super('Cannot update price of a already billed CDR', 'CDR_PRICING_EVENT_EXCEPTION');

export class CdrAlreadyExistsException extends MultipleIdenticalResourcesFoundException {
  constructor(cdrId: string) {
    super(`CDR with cdrId ${cdrId} already exists`);

export async function emitNatsEvent(subject: string, message: AnyMessage) {
  try {
    const natsClient = container.resolve(NATSClient);
    await natsClient.publish(subject, Message.fromEvent(message));
  } catch (e) {
    logger.error(`Error while publishing CDRCostChangedEvent: ${e.message}`);
    throw new Error(`Failed to publish CDRCostChangedEvent event: ${e.message}`);

export class CdrService {
  constructor(private readonly cdrRepository: CdrRepository) {}

  async getCdr(cdrId: string): Promise<Cdr> {
    const cdr = await this.cdrRepository.load(cdrId);
    if (!cdr) throw new EntityNotFoundError('CDR', cdrId);
    return this.mapToDomainModel(cdr);

  async getCdrByCdrId(cdrId: string): Promise<Cdr> {
    const cdr = await this.cdrRepository.findOne({ cdrId });
    if (!cdr) throw new EntityNotFoundError('CDR', cdrId);
    return this.mapToDomainModel(cdr);

  async create(cdr: CdrCreateArgs): Promise<Cdr> {
    const existingCdr = await this.cdrRepository.findOne({ cdrId: cdr.cdrId });

    if (existingCdr) {
      throw new CdrAlreadyExistsException(cdr.cdrId);

    return this.mapToDomainModel(await this.cdrRepository.create(cdr));

  async updatePrice(cdrId: string, totalCost: string): Promise<Cdr> {
    const currentCdr = await this.cdrRepository.load(cdrId);
    if (currentCdr.status === CdrStatus.BILLED) {
      throw new CdrPricingEventException();
    currentCdr.cost.totalCost = totalCost;
    await this.cdrRepository.update(currentCdr);
    return this.mapToDomainModel(currentCdr);

  async updateStatus(cdrId: string, status: CdrStatus): Promise<Cdr> {
    const currentCdr = await this.cdrRepository.load(cdrId);

    switch (currentCdr.status) {
      case status:
        return this.mapToDomainModel(currentCdr); // No change
      case CdrStatus.PENDING:
        if (status !== CdrStatus.ACCEPTED && status !== CdrStatus.REJECTED) {
          throw new CdrStatusChangeException(currentCdr.status, status); // Pending can only be changed to accepted or rejected
      case CdrStatus.ACCEPTED:
        if (status !== CdrStatus.BILLED) throw new CdrStatusChangeException(currentCdr.status, status); // Accepted can only be changed to billed
      case CdrStatus.REJECTED:
      case CdrStatus.BILLED:
        throw new CdrStatusChangeException(currentCdr.status, status); // Cannot change status of a billed or rejected cdr

    currentCdr.status = status;
    await this.cdrRepository.update(currentCdr);

    switch (status) {
      case CdrStatus.ACCEPTED:
        await emitNatsEvent(subjects.cdrStatusAccepted, new CDRAcceptedEvent({ cdrId: currentCdr.cdrId }));
        // TODO: Create CDR document in sessions collection (new state of the CDR is BILLED)
      case CdrStatus.REJECTED:
        await emitNatsEvent(
          new CDRRejectedEvent({ cdrId: currentCdr.cdrId, reason: CDRRejectionReason.CDR_REJECTION_REASON_UNSPECIFIED })

    return this.mapToDomainModel(currentCdr);

  async update(cdrId: string, updatedCdr: Partial<Cdr>): Promise<Cdr> {
    const currentCdr = await this.cdrRepository.load(cdrId);
    Object.assign(currentCdr, updatedCdr);
    await this.cdrRepository.update(currentCdr);
    return this.mapToDomainModel(currentCdr);

  async delete(cdrId: string): Promise<void> {
    return await this.cdrRepository.softDelete(cdrId);

  async search(search: CdrSearchArgs): Promise<[Cdr[], number]> {
    const query: any = {};
    if (search.ids?.length) {
      query._id = { $in: search.ids };

    ['id', 'cdrId', 'externalCdrId', 'source', 'contractId', 'evseId', 'cost', 'status', 'endTime']
      .filter((field) => search[field])
      .forEach((field) => (query[field] = search[field])); // Add search criteria to query

    if (search.searchPhrase) {
      const searchFields = ['cdrId', 'externalCdrId', 'contractId', 'evseId', 'source', 'status', 'location.name'];
      query.$or = searchFields.map((field) => ({
        [field]: { $regex: escapeRegExp(search.searchPhrase), $options: 'i' },

    const cdrs: MongooseCdr[] = await this.cdrRepository.paginatedFind(query, {
      skip: search.skip,
      limit: search.limit,
      sortKey: search.sort.field,
      sortOrder: search.sort.order,
    const numDocuments = await this.cdrRepository.count(query);

    return [cdrs.map((cdr) => this.mapToDomainModel(cdr)), numDocuments];

  protected mapToDomainModel(document: MongooseCdr): Cdr {
    return {
      id: document._id,
      tokenId: document.tokenId,
      accountId: document.accountId,
      location: document.location,
      cdrId: document.cdrId,
      externalCdrId: document.externalCdrId,
      providerId: document.providerId,
      source: document.source,
      contractId: document.contractId,
      startTime: document.startTime,
      endTime: document.endTime,
      evseId: document.evseId,
      powerType: document.powerType,
      connectorId: document.connectorId,
      cost: document.cost,
      chargingPeriods: document.chargingPeriods,
      status: document.status,
      totalKwh: document.totalKwh,

Audit-Entry Mongoose Schema
This code snippet showcases the Mongoose Schema for the Audit-Entry Model. Audit-Entries are responsible for logging changes to whatever other model in the database and store them in a new collection so we have an Audit Trail of all changes in the system without too much overhead.

const schema = new mongoose.Schema(
    requestUrl: { type: String, required: true },
    requestMethod: { type: String, required: true },
    routePrefix: { type: String },
    routeNormalizedPath: { type: String },
    activity: { type: String, required: true },
    objectBefore: { type: 'Mixed' },
    objectAfter: { type: 'Mixed' },
    objectId: { type: String },
    objectType: { type: String },
    type: { type: String },
    deletedAt: { type: Date },
    user: {
      type: ObjectId,
      ref: 'User',
      required: [() => this.credential === null, 'User is required if Credential is not set'],
    credential: {
      type: ObjectId,
      ref: 'Credential',
      required: [() => this.user === null, 'Credential is required if User is not set'],
    account: { type: ObjectId, ref: 'Account' },
    provider: { type: ObjectId, ref: 'Provider' },
    deleted: { type: 'Boolean', default: false },
    timestamps: true,

schema.statics.getContextFields = function (ctx) {
  return {
    ...(ctx.state.authUser?.id ? { user: ctx.state.authUser?.id } : {}),
    ...(ctx.state.authUser?.accountId ? { account: ctx.state.authUser?.accountId } : {}),
    ...(ctx.state.authCredential?.id ? { credential: ctx.state.authCredential?.id } : {}),
    provider: ctx.state.provider?.id || ctx.state.authUser?.providerId,
    requestMethod: ctx.request.method,
    requestUrl: ctx.request.url,
    routeNormalizedPath: ctx.routerPath,
    routePrefix: ctx.router.opts.prefix,

schema.statics.getObjectFields = function getObjectFields(object, fields = []) {
  const isMongooseDoc = object instanceof mongoose.Model;
  if (!isMongooseDoc) throw Error('AuditEntry.getObjectFields only works with mongoose documents');

  const objectFields = {
    objectId: object.id,
    objectType: object.constructor.modelName,

  if (fields.length) {
    const { original, pathsModified, isNew } = object.$locals;
    const filteredPaths = isNew
      ? fields
      : intersection(pathsModified, fields).filter((field) => {
          if (!object.get(field)?.equals) return true;
          return !object.get(field).equals(get(original, field));

    if (isNew) {
      objectFields.objectAfter = pick(object.toObject({ depopulate: true }), filteredPaths);
    } else {
      const after = pick(object.toObject({ depopulate: true }), filteredPaths);
      if (!isEmpty(after)) {
        const before = pick(original, filteredPaths);
        objectFields.objectAfter = after;
        objectFields.objectBefore = before;

  return objectFields;

schema.statics.append = function (activity, ctx, { object, fields, type = 'audit trail', ...options }) {
  const fromContext = this.getContextFields(ctx);

  if (object) {
    options.objectType = object.constructor.modelName;
    const objectFields = this.getObjectFields(object, fields || this.getSchemaFields(object.constructor));
    Object.assign(options, objectFields, options);

  if (isEmpty(options.objectAfter) && options.objectAfter !== undefined) {
    return; // don't append to the log if nothing changed

  const user = options?.user || fromContext?.user;
  const credential = options?.credential || fromContext?.credential;

  return this.create({
    objectId: object?.id || options.objectId,
    objectType: options.objectType,
    objectBefore: options.objectBefore,
    objectAfter: options.objectAfter,
    account: options?.account || fromContext?.account,
    provider: options?.provider || fromContext?.provider,

schema.statics.getSchemaFields = function (model, excludeFields = []) {
  const excludedFields = ['_id', '__v', 'createdAt', 'deleted', ...excludeFields];
  return Object.keys(model.schema.obj).filter((field) => !excludedFields.includes(field));

To create an Audit Entry for a change to a document (E.g. a BillingPlan) the following piece of code can be used:

    await this.auditEntryRepository.append('updated billingPlan', ctx, { object: currentBillingPlan });

Note that the developer experience of adding a new Audit Trail Entry is very simple and all complex logic is obfuscated in the Audit Entry Model.

Remote Sessions Status Handler
This file is triggered through a CRON job every minute to handle active remote sessions. Remote sessions are sessions triggered by a Mobility Service Provider on a changer of another remote Charge Point Operator. This requires authentication and communication between the systems of both parties and updating status towards the user. The job checks for remote sessions that are not Cancelled, Completed or Errored and handles them by updating the status through attempting to find the corresponding active session that the Charge Point Operator should've sent, otherwise it tries to find the corresponding Charge Detail Record indicating the charge session is done and updates the Remote Session accordingly.

const maximumAgeForInactiveMinutes = config.get('MINIMUM_PAYMENT_AGE_FOR_INACTIVE_MINUTES', 'number') || 10;
export const maximumAgeForInactive = maximumAgeForInactiveMinutes * 60 * 1000;

const maximumAgeForActiveMinutes = config.get('MINIMUM_PAYMENT_AGE_FOR_ACTIVE_MINUTES', 'number') || 4320;
export const maximumAgeForActive = maximumAgeForActiveMinutes * 60 * 1000;

const stopSessionBackoffMinutes = config.get('REMOTE_SESSION_STOP_BACKOFF_MINUTES', 'number') || 5;
const stopSessionBackoff = stopSessionBackoffMinutes * 60 * 1000;

export class MspRemoteSessionStatusManager {
    private readonly remoteSessionService: MspRemoteSessionService,
    private readonly remoteSessionRepository: MspRemoteSessionRepository,
    private readonly mspSessionRepository: MspSessionRepository,
    private readonly activeSessionRepository: ActiveSessionRepository,
    private readonly paymentRepository: PaymentRepository,
    private readonly tokenRepository: TokenRepository
  ) {}

  async handleRemoteSessions() {
    const remoteSessions = this.remoteSessionRepository.findStream({
      status: { $nin: [RemoteSessionStatus.COMPLETED, RemoteSessionStatus.CANCELLED, RemoteSessionStatus.ERROR] },

    for await (const remoteSession of remoteSessions) {
      logger.info(`Handling remote session ${remoteSession.id} with status ${remoteSession.status}`);
      try {
        await this.handleOngoingRemoteSessionStatus(remoteSession);
        await this.handleInactiveRemoteSession(remoteSession);
        await this.handleOldActiveRemoteSession(remoteSession);
      } catch (error) {
        await this.remoteSessionService.setError(remoteSession, error);

  async handleOngoingRemoteSessionStatus(remoteSession: MspRemoteSession) {
    switch (remoteSession.status) {
      case RemoteSessionStatus.STARTING:
        await this.attemptToFindAndAttachActiveSession(remoteSession);
      case RemoteSessionStatus.ERROR: // We have a case when remote session can be marked as ERROR, but we still can receive CDR for it. (critical for PSP payments)
      case RemoteSessionStatus.STOPPING:
        if (!(await this.attemptToCompleteAsExcludedCPOSession(remoteSession))) {
          await this.attemptToFindAndAttachCDR(remoteSession);
      case RemoteSessionStatus.ACTIVE:
        await this.handleActiveRemoteSession(remoteSession);

  private async handleActiveRemoteSession(remoteSession: MspRemoteSession) {
    if (remoteSession.activeSessionId) {
      const activeSession = await this.activeSessionRepository.findById(remoteSession.activeSessionId);
      if (activeSession.status === ActiveSessionStatus.COMPLETED) {
        await this.attemptToFindAndAttachCDR(remoteSession);
      if (remoteSession.paymentId && remoteSession.transactionId) {
        await this.handlePaymentPreAuthLimit(activeSession, remoteSession);
    if (remoteSession.mspSessionId) {
      const cdr = await this.mspSessionRepository.findById(remoteSession.mspSessionId);
      await this.handleCDRFound(cdr, remoteSession);

  private async attemptToFindAndAttachActiveSession(remoteSession: MspRemoteSession) {
    const activeSession = await this.findActiveSession(remoteSession);
    if (activeSession) {
      await this.handleActiveSessionFound(activeSession, remoteSession);

  private async attemptToFindAndAttachCDR(remoteSession: MspRemoteSession) {
    const cdr = await this.findCDR(remoteSession);
    if (cdr) {
      await this.handleCDRFound(cdr, remoteSession);

  private async handleCDRFound(cdr: MongooseSession, remoteSession: MspRemoteSession) {
    return this.remoteSessionService.completeSession(cdr, remoteSession);

  private async handleActiveSessionFound(activeSession: ActiveSession, remoteSession: MspRemoteSession) {
    if (([RemoteSessionStatus.STARTING, RemoteSessionStatus.PENDING] as string[]).includes(remoteSession.status)) {
      await this.remoteSessionService.setSessionActive(remoteSession, activeSession);

    if (([RemoteSessionStatus.ACTIVE, RemoteSessionStatus.STOPPING] as string[]).includes(remoteSession.status)) {
      if (remoteSession.createdAt < new Date(Date.now() - maximumAgeForActive)) {
        await this.remoteSessionService.setError(
          new Error('Remote session is older than 3 days, but no Active Session or CDR was found.')

  private async preauthLimitReached(activeSession: ActiveSession, remoteSession: MspRemoteSession): Promise<boolean> {
    if (!activeSession.currentTotal) return false; // no total to compare to - likely haven't received any meter values yet

    const payment = await this.paymentRepository.findById(remoteSession.paymentId);
    const vatPercentage = activeSession.vatInfo?.['vatPercentage'];

    let sessionTotal = activeSession.currentTotal;
    if (vatPercentage) {
      sessionTotal = sessionTotal * (vatPercentage / 100 + 1); // apply VAT if we can

    return (
      payment.status === PaymentStatus.PREAUTH_ACCEPTED && // ensure the payment is in the correct state
      payment.preauthAmount > 0 && // ensure we have a valid preauth amount
      sessionTotal > payment.preauthAmount * 0.95 // within 5% of preauth limit

  private async findCDR(remoteSession: RemoteSession) {
    const { activeSessionId, infraProviderId, transactionId: externalId } = remoteSession;
    const activeSession = await this.activeSessionRepository.findById(activeSessionId);
    const tokenContractId = activeSession?.rawRecord?.auth_id;

    const cdr = await this.mspSessionRepository.findOne(
        remoteSessionId: { $exists: false },
        deleted: false,
        providerContext: 'msp',
        invoiceId: { $exists: false },
        ...(tokenContractId && { tokenContractId }),
      { sort: { createdAt: -1 } }
    return cdr || null;

  private async findActiveSession(remoteSession: MspRemoteSession) {
    const token = await this.tokenRepository.findById(remoteSession.tokenId);
    const activeSession = await this.activeSessionRepository.findOne(
        infraProviderId: remoteSession.partyId,
        deleted: false,
        status: ActiveSessionStatus.ACTIVE,
        remoteSessionId: { $exists: false },
        tokenId: remoteSession.tokenId,
        userId: token.userId,
      { sort: { createdAt: -1 } }
    return activeSession || null;

  async handleInactiveRemoteSession(remoteSession: MspRemoteSession) {
    if (remoteSession.statusChangedAt < new Date(Date.now() - maximumAgeForInactive)) {
      switch (remoteSession.status) {
        case RemoteSessionStatus.PENDING:
        case RemoteSessionStatus.STARTING: {
          await this.remoteSessionService.cancelSession(
        case RemoteSessionStatus.STOPPING: {
          const errorMessage = `Session status has been in ${remoteSession.status} more than ${maximumAgeForInactiveMinutes} minutes, aborting`;
          await this.remoteSessionService.setError(remoteSession, new Error(errorMessage));

  async handleOldActiveRemoteSession(remoteSession: MspRemoteSession) {
    if (remoteSession.createdAt < new Date(Date.now() - maximumAgeForActive)) {
      switch (remoteSession.status) {
        case RemoteSessionStatus.ACTIVE:
        case RemoteSessionStatus.STOPPING: {
          const errorMessage = `Remote session is older than ${
            maximumAgeForActiveMinutes / 60 / 24
          } days, but no Active Session or CDR was found.`;
          await this.remoteSessionService.setError(remoteSession, new Error(errorMessage));

  private async handlePaymentPreAuthLimit(activeSession: ActiveSession, remoteSession: MspRemoteSession) {
    const preauthReached = await this.preauthLimitReached(activeSession, remoteSession);
    const shouldAttemptStop =
      !remoteSession.stopRequestedAt || remoteSession.stopRequestedAt < new Date(Date.now() - stopSessionBackoff);

    if (preauthReached && shouldAttemptStop) {
      await this.remoteSessionService.stopSession({ remoteSessionId: remoteSession.id, skipUserCheck: true });

  private async attemptToCompleteAsExcludedCPOSession(remoteSession: MspRemoteSession): Promise<boolean> {
    try {
      return this.remoteSessionService.checkAndCompleteExcludedSession(remoteSession);
    } catch (e) {
      logger.error(`Error in completing excluded remote sessions`);
      return false;

Achievements @ Road.io (Formerly E-Flux):

During my time at Road.io (Formerly E-Flux) I was able to contribute hugely to the development of the platform spanning across the back-end and front-end. Here are some notable key achievements and contributions of mine:

  • Created an Audit Entry Facility in the platform to log changes to documents in the database and store them in a new collection so we have an Audit Trail of all changes in the system without too much overhead. This was a crucial feature for the company to have a clear overview of all changes made to the system and to be able to track back changes if necessary.
  • Developed Remote Sessions Facility to handle active remote sessions. Remote sessions are sessions triggered by a Mobility Service Provider on a charger of another remote Charge Point Operator. This requires authentication and communication between the systems of both parties and updating status towards the user. The job checks for active remote sessions and handles them by updating the status through finding the corresponding active session that the Charge Point Operator sends. The functionality as well as testing for this feature was developed by me.
  • Developed the Smart Charging functionality with Stekker.app to allow user to charge their electric vehicle according to their preferences in terms of time, price and green energy availability. This was a crucial feature for the company to be able to offer a more flexible and sustainable charging experience to their users and to elevate the load on the electricity grid during peak times. Also for this feature I was responsible for the development and testing together with the 3rd party Stekker.app.
  • Developed a VAT assignment Facility for international charge sessions to assign the correct VAT percentage to charge sessions based on the country of the user or the country of the charging station where the electricity is consumed. This was a crucial feature for the company to be able to correctly calculate the VAT for international charge sessions and to be able to comply with international tax laws and perform billing correctly. I was responsible for the development and testing of this feature.
  • Developed an integration with the Gireve Roaming Hub to aid in the expansion of the company's charging network in France. This was a crucial feature for the company to be able to expand their charging network and to be able to offer their services to a larger audience. I was responsible for the development and testing of this feature together with Johan Otten from the Roaming Team.
  • Developed an integration and migration to a new ERP system (NetSuite) to aid the company in their expansion and to be able to handle the growing amount of data, users and transactions/invoices in a more efficient way and to migrate away from the old ERP system. I was responsible for the development and testing of this feature together with a 3rd party called Rsult.
  • Overhauled their billing system and PDF rendering to facilitate additional use cases in the platform and increase the flexibility of the billing system.
  • Performed Data Migrations to increase the performance in consistency of the database and to be able to handle the growing amount of data and users efficiently.
  • Contributed to a new Event-Based approach to handling CDR's to increase the performance and consistency of the system and to be able to handle the growing amount of data and sessions effectively. This was a step towards a more scalable and efficient system. I was responsible for the development and testing of this feature together with the Roaming Team.
  • Developed a Tariff note Facility in order to create Tariff notes for specific charge station operators displayed on the charge stations map and in the app. This was a crucial feature for the company to be able to offer more reliable and transparent information to their users and to be able to comply with the requirements of the charge station operators. I was responsible for the development and testing of this feature.

Check out the project!